Considerable thought goes into our snack machine selections; a plentiful product mix from national and local vendors. We also encourage our customers to suggest items they would like to see offered.
Our customers have diverse tastes and preferences; therefore our snack machines are filled with options such as, but not limited to Doritos Chips, Martin's Potato Chips, Utz Potato Chips, M&M's, and Snicker Bars.
When choosing a vending program for your company, we are committed to making sure your program meets the needs of all your employees. CVS offers a wide variety of “healthier for you” products including trail mix, baked snack items, fruit and granola bars, yogurt, and pretzels.
The key to successful product selections is open communication between your employees and our service personnel. If you or your employees would like to request a specific product, please ask the service personnel or simply contact us. Our service personnel are trained to communicate adjustments in product selections and fulfill requests.

Our service area includes but not limited to: York, Hanover, Lancaster, and Harrisburg. |