About Us
Since 1973 we have provided food service to southern Pennsylvania. Continental Vending Service is family owned and operated and provides quality service for the greater York area including: York, Hanover, Lancaster, and Harrisburg areas since 1973.
Our years of food service experience, our dedication to quality, and our commitment to service has not only gained us the trust and respect of our customers but also of those in our field. Our continued pursuit of excellence is evident in our consistently high scoring state and local health inspections, and our active participation with both the Convenience Caters and Food Manufacturers Association (CCFMA), the National Automatic Merchandising Association (NAMA), and the York County Chamber of Commerce, as well as the Manufactuerers’ Assocation of Central PA (MASCPA).
Community Involvement
At Continental Vending Service we understand that we would not be the success we are today without the hard work of our employees, our loyal customers, and the communities in which they live. Continental Vending Service has a long history of service to the community through monetary donations, supplies, and time.
Our past involvement has included: Easter Seals, March of Dimes, York Hospital, MS Foundation, York City Police, Rescue Mission, and the American Red Cross. We are currently active participants in a food support role with York County's Emergency Management Agency (Counter Terrorism/Disaster Task Force) and York County's Chapter of the American Red Cross V.O.A.D. (Volunteer Organizations Active in Disasters) team.

Our service area includes but not limited to: York, Hanover, Lancaster, and Harrisburg. |